The Digital and Ecological Transition

The Digital and Ecological Transition of SMEs and mid-caps with an international vocation

We can strengthen the international competitiveness of your business, supporting its digital and ecological transition, two drivers of growth which are now essential for our production system. Italian businesses must invest in technology and produce in a sustainable way, if they still want to be competitive globally. This loan helps them achieve this with subsidised-rate resources and a grant.

Who is it for?

Italian SMEs and mid-caps, established as companies with share capital and that have filed at least two financial statements for two complete financial years with the Companies’ Register.

How it works

A subsidised loan with “de minimis” conditions, and a co-funded grant under the Temporary Framework, with the aim of supporting investments to promote the Digital Transition (at least 50% of the total loan), and Ecological transition of businesses and promote their competitiveness on international markets.

Maximum amount that may be financed: up to €1,000,000, and in any case no higher than 25% of average revenues resulting from the last two approved financial statements filed by the company. If a business has already filed an application for a Digital and Ecological Transition loan, it may send a second application for a maximum amount of €1,000,000.

Maximum grant: up to 40% for businesses in Southern Italy, up to 25% for remaining businesses. The co-funded grant is disbursed, in any case, within the limits of the total maximum amount of the loan for the business, under the Temporary Framework.

Duration of the financing: 6 years, of which a 2-year grace period.

Your financing with SIMEST

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Related links

FAQ Conto Corrente Dedicato PNRR
FAQ – operatività in PNRR
Gestione del finanziamento e Rendicontazione delle spese
Sistema di rating e garanzie
Allegati (dichiarazioni e documentazioni a supporto)