Tool for estimating the ‘de minimis’ ceiling absorbed by SIMEST financing

De minimis ceiling estimation tool

With the new subsidised finance instruments of the 394 Fund, SIMEST gives the opportunity to receive financing at a subsidised rate of 10%, 50% or 80% of the EU reference rate, chosen by the company.

Why is it possible to choose the subsidised rate at 10%, 50% or 80% of the EU reference rate?

Subsidised financing is ‘de minimis’: the higher the subsidised rate, the higher the absorption of the ‘de minimis’ ceiling available to the enterprise. The possibility of choosing the subsidised rate allows the enterprise to access the financing by benefiting from a lower subsidy, with a consequent lower absorption of the ‘de minimis’ ceiling. Conversely, non-repayable co-financing affects the de minimis ceiling for the full nominal amount.

Is it possible to know in advance how much de minimis funding I intend to apply for?

In order to allow companies to know the level of financing and facilitation they can benefit from, considering the level of absorption of the ‘de minimis’, SIMEST provides a calculation tool that offers a purely indicative estimate.

The company will be able to obtain an estimate of the amount of de minimis aid by considering:

  • The amount of the facilitation intervention requested;
  • The possible request for a non-repayable grant (YES/NO);
  • The instrument of interest (‘type of product’);
  • EU reference rate; the rate can be consulted monthly at the following link EU reference rate;
  • The percentage of subsidised rate you want to benefit from (10%, 50% or 80% of the EU reference rate).

Once the above information has been filled in, an estimate of the value of the de minimis absorption associated with the facilitation will be returned, differentiated on the basis of the relevant scoring:

  • Overall facilitation scoring best (class 1 and 2 MCC);
  • Overall relief intermediate scoring (class 3, 4 and 5 MCC);
  • Overall facilitation of last scoring (class 6, 7, 8 and 9 MCC).

Please note that, as a proxy, the value obtained should not be considered exact but an estimate with a margin of error of approximately +/- 15-20%.

Disclaimer: the estimated amounts of the ‘de minimis’ value associated with the facilitation measure and calculated in the manner described above are to be considered merely indicative and in no way can they give rise to any type of expectation or trust regarding the granting of the facilitation measure and the relative amount. The final and actual amount of the ‘de minimis’ value associated with the facilitating intervention will be calculated and verified by the offices of SIMEST only during the preliminary investigation also for the purpose of registration in the National Register of State Aid.