Temporary Manager

Temporary Manager

We strengthen your company’s international competitiveness by supporting the costs for the temporary employment of Temporary Managers in the company, for the implementation of technological, digital or ecological innovation projects to support the company’s internalisation in international markets.


0,511% Facilitated Rate
4 years Duration of financing

To whom it is dedicated

Duration of the loan: 4 years, of which 2 years of pre-amortisation

Maximum amount that may be financed: the maximum amount of the Facilitation Facility that the Applicant Company may request is equal to the lesser of

  • 20% of the average revenues resulting from the last two balance sheets;
  • € 500.000;
  • Minimum amount equal to € 10,000

Maximum non-repayable portion: up to 10% of the amount of the Facilitation Facility requested and in any case up to a maximum of € 100,000), which is recognised as an incentive to Applicant Companies in the presence of the requirements as per the reference documentation (Operative Circular 8/394/2023) available below.


View here the facsimile of the Contract Proposal >>. Please note: the Contract Proposal will be sent by SIMEST only after a positive decision by the Facilitation Committee; the contractual acceptance must be signed and sent to SIMEST exclusively through the Portal.


* measure in accordance with article 10 of DL 89/2024 and subject to its conversion into law

How it works

Duration of the loan: 4 years, of which 2 years of pre-amortisation

Maximum amount that may be financed: the maximum amount of the Facilitation Facility that the Applicant Company may request is equal to the lesser of

  • 20% of the average revenues resulting from the last two balance sheets;
  • € 500.000;
  • Minimum amount equal to € 10,000

Maximum non-repayable portion: up to 10% of the amount of the Facilitation Facility requested and in any case up to a maximum of € 100,000), which is recognised as an incentive to Applicant Companies in the presence of the requirements as per the reference documentation (Operative Circular 8/394/2023) available below.


View here the facsimile of the Contract Proposal >>. Please note: the Contract Proposal will be sent by SIMEST only after a positive decision by the Facilitation Committee; the contractual acceptance must be signed and sent to SIMEST exclusively through the Portal.


* measure in accordance with article 10 of DL 89/2024 and subject to its conversion into law