The new measures of Fund 394 consist of de minimis financial support, for both the subsidised loan component and the co-funded grant component, for eligible costs specifically identified in the Operating Circulars.
The rules on cumulation set out in the applicable European regulation on state aid (see Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 on de minimis aid), as well as specific national and EU provisions, in effect at any given time, that govern other public measures for which cumulation would occur and that indicate any limits or prohibitions on cumulation, apply.
Therefore, any additional limitations on the cumulation of new Fund 394 measures may arise from the circumstance that specific legal provisions, in effect at any given time, applicable to other aid measures with which cumulation would occur, establish limits for a prohibition on cumulation with other aid measures.
As regards the cumulation of new Fund 394 measures with tax receivables for investments in capital goods (Industry 4.0 tax incentives) – that do not constitute State aid as the measure is general by nature, as confirmed by the Italian Revenue Agency and by the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy MIMIT) – the specific provisions governing the Industry 4.0 measure apply.
In particular, the last part of paragraph 1059 of Italian Law 178/2020 (2021 Budget Law), as amended, currently establishes specifically that the tax receivable «is cumulative with other financial support concerning the same costs, on condition that this cumulation, also considering that it does not contribute to the formation of income and the tax base for regional business tax…, does not result in the incurred cost being exceeded». Basically, cumulation on the same eligible costs is permitted up to the ceiling represented by the cost incurred (see applicable regulations link). As regards cumulation with the aid of the Capital Goods – New Sabatini measure (consisting of State Aid under the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), point 8.8 of the Executive Circular of 6 December 2022, no. 410823 currently establishes that “Aid may be cumulated with any other State aid, in relation to the same eligible costs, partly or fully overlapping, only if such cumulation does not result in exceeding the highest aid intensity or aid amount applicable to this aid under exemption regulations applicable based on the activity carried out by the beneficiary business” (see the applicable regulation and the FAQs link)