Entry into Foreign Markets

Entry into Foreign Markets

We strengthen the international competitiveness of your company by supporting the costs of making investments in international markets.

New: from 25 July 2024 dedicated conditions to support the presence of Italian companies on the African continent*.



0,511% Facilitated Rate
6 years Duration of financing
10% Non-refundable quota for companies with specific requirements or which carry out the project in Africa*
20% Non-refundable share for companies with operational headquarters in the South that implement the project in Africa*
New classes of expenditure that can be financed for investments with a focus on Africa

To whom it is dedicated

To all enterprises, and in particular to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

It is intended for the realisation of a digital investment project for

  • to the opening of new commercial structures abroad where not already present
    to the strengthening and/or replacement of an existing structure

Furthermore, until 31.12.2025, if you request financing for the implementation of an insertion program in an African country you can benefit from dedicated conditions and new financeable expenses relating to the professional training of African personnel, both on site and in Italy, and any related expenses such as travel, entry and living expenses in Italy for African staff.


How it works

Duration of financing: 4 years, of which 2 years pre-amortisation.

Maximum amount that can be financed: the maximum amount of the Subsidy that can be requested is equal to the lesser of:

  • 35% of the average revenues resulting from the last two financial statements (item A1 of the income statement)
  • €500,000 for Micro Enterprises; €2,500,000 for SMEs and innovative start-ups/SMEs;
  • €3,500,000 for Other businesses
  • Minimum amount equal to €10,000

Maximum non-repayable portion: up to 10% of the amount of the Facilitation Facility requested and in any case up to a maximum of € 100,000.00 which is recognised as an incentive to Applicant Companies in the presence of the requirements, as per the reference documentation (Operative Circular 3/394/2023) available at the bottom of this page.

The non-repayable co-financing of up to 10% is also extended to companies that request financing for a project with a focus on Africa, a share that can be raised to 20% – up to a maximum of €200,000 – in the case of Italian companies with at least one operational headquarters in regions of Southern Italy.

View here the facsimile of the Contract Proposal >>. Please note: the Contract Proposal will be sent by SIMEST only after a positive decision by the Facilitation Committee; the contractual acceptance must be signed and sent to SIMEST exclusively through the Portal.


* measure in accordance with article 10 of DL 89/2024 and subject to its conversion into law

Watch the video and discover all the advantages

Method of operation of the portal for submitting the application for funding

  • From 09:00 a.m. on July 25, 2024, it will be possible to access the Portal for the compilation and submission of applications for funding related to both the new tool “Strengthening African Markets” and the new conditions dedicated to Africa of the tools “Market Placement,” “Certifications and Consulting,” “Fairs and Events,” “E-commerce,” and “Temporary Manager.”
  • From 6 p.m. July 24 until 9 a.m. July 25, the Portal will be offline to allow it to be updated for the opening and no operations will be possible
  • See here the operating procedures for accessing the Portal

Filling out the request

  • For the purpose of filling out the application, it is necessary to (i) attach all the necessary Documentation as per the Circular, (ii) indicate the information of the legal representative, (iii) indicate the information of the beneficial owner of the requesting Enterprise, (iv) upload the contract for opening the dedicated current account, (v) Articles of Association of the enterprise. All documents must be digitally signed.
  • In any case, the submission of the application does not imply the right to the deliberation/grant of the intervention, which remains subject to the completeness of the application, the existence of the access requirements, the successful completion of the SIMEST preliminary investigation and the actual availability of financial resources, as well as the positive deliberation by the Facilities Committee.

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