Digital or ecological transition

Digital or ecological transition

We strengthen your company’s international competitiveness by supporting its digital and ecological transition as well as its capital strengthening.


0,511% Facilitated Rate
10% Non-repayable portion
6 years Duration of financing

To whom it is dedicated

To all enterprises, and in particular to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

This financing is also aimed at

  • to SMEs in production chains;
  • to enterprises with interests in the Western Balkans;
  • to Enterprises located in the territories affected by flooding events occurring on or after 1 May 2023;
  • Strengthening the capital strength of enterprises with an international vocation

How it works

Duration of the loan: 6 years, of which 2 years of pre-amortisation.

Low-interest financing that can be used – up to 50% of the total approved amount – to support investments in Digital and/or Ecological Transition. The remaining portion – up to 50% – may instead be used to strengthen the company’s equity.
This share can also be increased up to

  • 70% of the approved amount for companies that have suffered a 100% increase in energy costs and have an export turnover of at least 20% at the application stage.
  • 80% of the approved amount for companies with interests in the Western Balkans;
  • 90% of the approved amount for Enterprises located in the territories affected by flooding events occurring after 1 May 2023 as identified in Annex I to Decree-Law 61/2023.

Maximum amount that can be financed: the maximum amount that can be requested is equal to the lower of

  • 35% of the average revenues resulting from the last two balance sheets (item A1 of the profit and loss account); and
  • € 500,000 for Micro enterprises; € 2,500,000 for SMEs and innovative SMEs; € 5,000,000 for Other enterprises
  • Minimum amount of € 10,000

Maximum non-repayable portion: up to 10% of the amount of the Facilitation Facility requested and in any case up to a maximum of € 100,000, granted as an incentive to the Applicant Companies in the presence of the requirements as per the reference documentation (Operative Circular 4/394/2023) available below.

View here the facsimile of the Contract Proposal >>. Please note: the Contract Proposal will be sent by SIMEST only after a positive decision by the Facilitation Committee; the contractual acceptance must be signed and sent to SIMEST exclusively through the Portal.

Modalità di presentazione delle domande

  • Dalle ore 09:00 del 27 luglio 2023 sarà possibile accedere al Portale per la compilazione e presentazione delle richieste di finanziamento.
  • Per poter accedere al Portale è necessario acquisire una posizione nella coda virtuale. Una volta arrivato il proprio turno, sarà possibile effettuare le attività di compilazione della domanda entro una tempistica massima, trascorsa la quale sarà necessario riaccedere al meccanismo di coda.
  • Il Portale resterà aperto dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 18:00 dal lunedì al venerdì. Qualora l’impresa non riuscisse ad accedere alla fase di compilazione della richiesta di finanziamento entro l’orario indicato, la posizione di coda acquisita sarà valida solo ed esclusivamente alla riapertura del Portale il giorno seguente.
  • Ai fini della compilazione della richiesta è necessario allegare tutta la documentazione necessaria come da Circolare e richiesta in sede di compilazione della richiesta di finanziamento. Tutti i documenti devono essere firmati digitalmente, con estensione .p7m.
  • In ogni caso, la presentazione della domanda non comporta il diritto alla delibera dell’intervento, che resta subordinata alla completezza della richiesta, al completamento dell’istruttoria SIMEST e all’effettiva disponibilità delle risorse finanziarie.