Venture Capital Fund

Optimize the financial setup of your direct investments abroad with the additional participation of the Venture Capital Fund

We optimise the financial structure of your international investments, with the additional participation of the Venture Capital Fund.

For international investments only, SIMEST’s direct involvement can be flanked by the Venture Capital Fund, a public instrument offering special conditions, managed by SIMEST based on an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

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Who it’s for

All companies that make production, commercial or technological innovation investments abroad, with SIMEST’s direct participation.

How it works

An Italian company may request SIMEST to acquire a total interest (SIMEST+ Venture Capital Fund) for up to 49% of the planned total capitalisation.

The Venture Capital Fund’s interest:

  • cannot be more than double SIMEST’s interest (the amount of the Fund’s interest is established also based on the characteristics of partners and the investment project);
  • cannot be higher, when combined with SIMEST’s interest, than that held by Italian partners

SIMEST-Venture Capital Fund’s total acquisition takes place in market conditions. For the additional participation of the Venture Capital Fund, remuneration is equal to the ECB rate + a spread commensurate with the size of the business.

Additional terms and conditions for the Venture Capital Fund’s participation are defined when structuring the initiative and are usually based on those applicable for SIMEST’s direct investments.

Financing for Italian innovative SMEs and start-ups

Article 18-quater of Italian Decree Law 34 of 30 April 2019, converted, with amendments, by Law 58 of 28 June 2019, and Italian Decree of 13 April 2022 introduced the possibility, for the Venture Capital Fund, to invest, together with CDP Venture SGR, in starts-up, also innovative, or innovative SMEs to support their international expansion process.

The initiative may take place without SIMEST’s co-investment, by subscribing to interests and/or financial instruments or equity, also of foreign companies.


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