Foreign locations

We are always by your side

SIMEST has launched a plan to open operational desks in countries with high potential for Made in Italy and an advisory service specifically dedicated to SMEs, in synergy with the main institutions of the Sistema Paese.

We work alongside you to identify the best opportunities for sustainable development abroad and help you navigate the internationalization tools available to you.

The Cairo and Belgrade offices will soon be joined by new openings in equally promising areas such as Southeast Asia, with a hub in Vietnam and Latin America.


SIMEST in the Western Balkans

Milentija Popovića 7b, 11070 Belgrado – Novi Beograd, Serbia

Geographical proximity and important business opportunities for leading Made in Italy sectors.
The Belgrade office responds to the strategic importance of Balkan markets due to its geographic, cultural and economic proximity to Italy.

The interchange between Italy and Serbia involves multiple sectors including automotive, textiles, infrastructure, agribusiness and renewable energy.

The on-site presence aims to assist SMEs in identifying the best commercial and productive partnerships, facilitating entry into a market with a still largely unexpressed potential.

SIMEST in Africa

Nile City Towers, South Tower – 7th floor, El Sekka Eltogarya Street, Nile Corniche, Ramla Boulaq, Il Cairo, Egitto

Egypt represents a nerve center for access to the Middle East and North African area, with its more than 100 million inhabitants in constant economic and demographic growth.

Italy is one of the country’s most important trade partners, hence the decision to choose Cairo as the headquarters of the SIMEST presidium in Africa, to offer consulting services to SMEs interested in starting or strengthening their business presence in Egypt and the African area.
