Diversity & Inclusion

We value diversity and promote inclusion to build a better society together

Talking about diversity, equity and inclusion means, in fact, promoting listening and discussion, recognizing and valuing differences as a source of enrichmentand growth. That is why we have adopted an “Identity, Equity and Inclusion Policy” and launched a wide-ranging DE&I Strategy to ensure inclusionin all our processes.


Certificazione UNI PdR 125:2022

In 2024, we obtained the UNI PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification, an award that fits into the company’s broader Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy.

Our activities
Blind selections
We have initiated a blind selection process that ensures that any kind of bias is eliminated and only the skills of the individual are valued.
Equitable growth
Through our professional growth programs, we are committed to creating a gender-balanced environment. We want men and women to have an equal chance for advancement by supporting them equally and relying solely on their talents.
We closely monitor gender wage differences by implementing the necessary measures to eliminate any disparities. Our goal is to promote pay equity in a concrete and constant way.
De&I Desk
A tool for dialogue and a means of easily engaging with the DE&I team, always treating input received confidentially.